Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Summary Post C4K Students #8-#11

C4K #8: Colby C

Colby C had a blog post about how the water cycle is never ending. I thought his description of the water cycle was very well done. Each step seemed very clear and well stated. It sounded like he understood the process of the water cycle. Another one of his posts, “my rain pivot”, caught my eye. The animation was really cool and I wondered how hard it was to create this.

C4K #9: Olivia

Olivia wrote a blog post about Halloween customs. It contained lots of examples about how people around the world celebrate it. I thought her Halloween post was very well done. She did a lot of research and came up with lots of really good facts. Her writing (grammar, spelling, etc.) was great. I loved her usage of color. I was also looking at her storybird and I thought that was really neat.

C4K #10: Colby

Colby wrote a blog post about his experience when he skyped with students from Philadelphia. He learned that they had to wear a uniform every day, their favorite football team is the Philadelphia Eagles, and they eat Philly cheese steak all the time. It sounded like he had a lot of fun talking to people from Philadelphia. I don’t think I’ve ever tried Philly cheese steak, but it sounds interesting. Maybe he will get to visit Philadelphia some day.

C4K #11: Clare

Clare wrote a blog post about a book she is reading called “Dragons Breathe”. A girl named Emma and her aunt are searching for her missing love. On the way they come across dragons, spiders, and wizards. I loved the picture of the dragon. This book sounded really interesting. I love romance novels with twists in them. It sounds like Emma and her aunt are going on quite an adventure.

Summary Post C4T Teacher #4

In the last couple of weeks, I have been following Andrea Hernandez. Andrea is a technology coordinator in Jacksonville, Florida. In her first post, “An Expert Opinion”, she talked about how frustrating it is that often times, in order to get articles published, one must have certain credentials. She argued successfully that it really sho0uld depend upon experience, research, and ideas regardless of where the person went to school.

I stated in my response that I totally agreed with what she said about outward appearance and creditability regarding where one might receive an education. Someone can receive just as good an education from a small, not well-known school as one with the name of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc. A person’s education becomes what they make of it. The best way to become educated about a subject is to really research a topic and not just read one article. Practical experience is really great to have.

The second post was called, “Planning + Collaboration = Success”. She talked about a project that she and a second grade classroom collaborated on. It was called “The Fire Safety Project”. She described how planning is an essential component when creating video projects with your students. The video was posted on her website along with the storyboard.

I stated in my response that I thought this was a great project to do with her students. It was a good example of what her blog talked about-when classroom teachers and technology educators have the time to collaborate, they can make things happen. I can’t believe these kids had all these wonderful ideas. I love that they all got to say “Stay safe, be cool. Don’t be a fool.” They should all be very proud of this video and making this on their own. I hope they win the money.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Sorry about my “progress report for the final project”. I got project 15 and the final project mixed up. For my final project I will be working with Jared Datema and Jenny Black. We have not picked a set idea but I was thinking maybe one option might be to design my own website/blog for my first classroom. Or I could just explain how to set it up and explain what type of technology I would have in my students use. Another idea I was thinking was to do a project about what was left out of EDM310.

Additional Assignment 5

In Tom Johnson’s first post, Just Teach Them to Solve for X, Tom is basically discussing whether we as educators should teach just facts or the processes behind how or why things happen. Perhaps teaching both are essential. If students can get the answer but not understand the reasoning behind how they got the answer, are we really doing our jobs? Teach students how to think critically and learning through metaphors let's students stretch thinking skills. We need to challenge students and one way of doing that is to use metaphors.

In Tom Johnson’s second post, Sketchy Portraits: 8th Grade Identity and Pencils, he talked about how students of all ages are still "a work under construction." He is using the pencil as a metaphor for the person. He states, "My students are at that age where the pencil becomes their own metaphor." Tom Johnson is saying that just as a pencil can be used to sketch and shade in things and can be erased so can students’ ideas, attitudes, and behaviors. They seek freedom and independence as they grow older yet they also want that permanence and stability from parents and teachers of being the child still. They want to be treated as both kids and adults. Near the end of the post, he talks about how the one teacher wants them to act one way not both- but why not? Why not embrace their questioning of authority and adventurous spirit where they might try and fail-it teaches life’s lessons and they can use it as self reflection.

In Tom Johnson’s third post, He Just Likes the Class for the Pencils, Tom describes himself as a nice guy teacher and then describes his classroom as where there is serious learning going on. Other teachers cannot quite understand it. He wants kids to enjoy learning and have fun but demands respect and seriousness when in the classroom. He then discusses a hypothetical meeting between a student, parent and teachers where most of what happens is to shame the student and then just because he seems to be doing well in Tom’s class, Tom becomes the target. Just because he trusts the student and treats him like an adult the others assume the student likes his class because of the "pencils". Pencils here can be any number of things, like any technology or an extra recess or reward. Tom stresses though that he tries to use humor, develop a relationship with them and give them meaningful work to engage in. It is not the "pencils" that is the reason the students like the class it is how they are treated.

In Tom Johnson’s Fourth post, The Medium Shapes the Learning, he talks about how filmmakers chop up bits of film and create some new production that astonishes the crowds. Tom also says that it is similar to what the Romans thought about bread and the circus-that one was a necessity for the masses but that also the circus kept them entertained too. Often fun, though, becomes a replacement for meaningful. Just remember that one should have a plan for using any new learning technology or device before using it for a lesson. New devices can enhance learning and makes learning fun, but just prepare ahead of time.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Project 15

Message in a Bottle

A Bend in the Road

For my second video I tried to do an animation in memoov at memoov.com. This program allowed me to make the animated characters move and talk. I don't know what happened but I couldn't find it after I made it. It took me an hour and a half to do but I didn't want to try again in case I couldn't find the next one I did. I had fun doing it and I wish it came out.

I added credits to these two videos! Sorry I forgot the first time!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Blog Post 13

ALEX- Alabama Learning Exchange

ALEX is a website devoted to providing resources to Alabama administrators, teachers, parents, and students. The homepage is broken into eight categories: courses of study, web links, lesson plans, search, personal workspace, professional learning, podcast treasury, and ALEXville. Courses of study provide all of the Alabama content standards for each subject. When I clicked on mathematics it took me to a page listing the standards for math. Each grade level from K-8 is listed, and then mathematics skills for high school students were listed such as algebra, geometry, precalculus, and statistics. Possible lesson plans are provided as examples for teachers. The link for lesson plans is also very user friendly. You can click on a subject and a grade level and find different lesson plans that were created according to the Alabama learning standards. Another category, podcast treasury, is a showcase for student podcasts based on some of the lessons provided. Professional learning gives information about professional development opportunities for teachers. There are also grant opportunities listed as well.

ALEXville provides a blog called ALEXville News as well as a collection of listservs opportunities and professional learning courses. By clicking on professi0onal organizations, you can see a list of all professional organizations in Alabama. I clicked on the link for National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and it took me to the NCTM website. It provides support for teachers in the field as well as a list of journals and books, and upcoming conferences.

I think ALEX would be extremely helpful to a new teacher because it brings so much information together into one website. New teachers could find the Alabama content standards for the course they are teaching as well as lesson plans, professional development information, and professional organizations they can become a member of. Although I might not access all of it at one time, just knowing about the site and becoming more familiar with it, is an excellent resource.


ACCESS provides distance learning opportunities for students. This site says that it has more than, “50 different courses including 5 different foreign languages and 10 different AP courses.” More than one hundred teachers provide the instruction. It provides remediation modules for the Alabama High School Graduation Exam. ACCESS would be helpful for students who might not be able to fit a course into their high school schedule. It also provides AP review. The resources site lists some interesting Chemistry software as well as access to Graphmatica which gives students the ability to plot equations. It looks like many Alabama high schools take part in the distance learning site.

Distance Learning

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Progress Report for Final Project

For my final project I have decided to do two movie trailers. I picked an author, Nicholas Sparks, and have chosen three books that I am interested in doing. The books I have chosen are Message in a Bottle, A Bend in the Road, and The Guardian. I also have a couple ideas about how to create the movie trailers. I thought maybe one way would to use Picasa and tell a story with pictures and captions. My other idea was to make a movie by clipping out other pieces of videos I had found, and then use quick time player or another type of player. I thought since I had those two ideas, maybe I would do one movie trailer one way, and the second trailer the other way.

Blog Post 12

Search the web and find three articles or videos about how to use technology in the discipline that you want to teach. You can go to youtube and watch a video, find someone you’re following on twitter, find a technology blog, etc. and see how they use technology in the classroom. Then write a summary about each article/video and explain how it will help you use technology in your classroom.

I am going into secondary math education and I wanted to find out more about how I could use technology in my math classroom with my students. I thought this would be a good assignment to see what other techniques teachers use in their math classes.

I really enjoyed the video, “The Role of Technology in Math Education” because it talked about how important it is to have technology in the classroom which I thought was really important. They talked about how important math and technology is. This video also talked about a tutoring program that helped students in a one on one situation if they needed extra help. I think this video showed me a lot in a short time. I can have a class blog where I show the assignments and their deadlines so everyone can look on the internet if they forget. I can also have links off that page that they can click on and have different math activities that I find interesting. This way the students have more fun in class and we can all interact with each other. This reminds me of Randy Pausch’s last lecture and how he talked about the head fake. We are teaching them math on the internet but they are also being taught more about technology and are having fun doing it.

In the video, “6th grade Math Class Using PLATO Learning’s Straight Curve” it talked about how this form of technology was colorful and fun to use. It included things that students used in their daily lives. One example talked about the probability of getting a certain colored gum ball out of a gum ball machine. This type of technology also explained hard math words to where the students were able to understand what the words meant. The students can also come up and do activities on the computer to help improve their knowledge of the section being taught. It kind of reminded me of the smartboard. I could definitely see myself using PLATO in my own classroom because I saw how much fun the kids were having with it and how well they were understanding the information.

I found this really cool site called, “IXL” that is for any grades between pre-k and eighth grade. Higher levels are coming soon. You can click on any grade level. The majority of the grades have over two hundred skills to learn from. Then in each skill, there are multiple problems teaching the skill. This site shows all the math skills that eighth graders should learn in the school year. They can click on any practice activity and there is a score out of one hundred to see how they do. They also have a report section which includes sections on students’ progress towards state standards. This site is also very fun for students because they get awards for doing well in different sections. I can definitely see myself using this website in my classroom because it has so many different activities you can use. The kids obviously need to have a computer to access this information. I could put this site on a class blog so they can access it at home. I could teach a lesson and then after I feel they are getting it they can get on the computer and try activities on problems we just learned about. This looks like a really fun site and I was even excited to find something so wonderful! I actually started playing around with it and answering different questions using this program. I am excited to see what they come up with for higher levels of math courses.

I Love Math

Monday, November 8, 2010

Post Form results from Project #6

Post Form results:

I just wanted to start off by saying that one person wrote back to me stating that on one of my questions (Question #9: Which of the following Jags sporting events have you attended?) I didn’t leave a choice of “none”. I’m sorry about this mistake. I had twenty-two people respond to my questionnaire about how students spend their time during the semester. I decided to do this because I am new to this school/state and I wanted to see what everyone else around here does.

There were four males (18%) and eighteen females (82%) who filled out the questionnaire. Seven students were under the age of twenty (32%), ten students were between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-five (45%), and five students were between the ages of twenty-six and thirty (23%). Out of these twenty-two students, six of them (27%) live on campus whereas the other sixteen (73%) do not. It takes most of the students less than fifteen minutes to arrive at the campus (twelve students (55%)). It takes five students (23%) between fifteen minutes and a half hour to get to the campus, two students (9%) between thirty minutes to forty-five minutes, one person (5%) from forty-five minutes to an hour, and it takes two students (9%) over an hour to get to the school. Nine students are taking four classes this semester, eight are taking six classes, four students are take five classes, and one student is taking two. I noticed that almost nobody goes to the library. Eighteen people said they never go to the library, three people go about once a week, and one student goes about three times per week. When the students were asked how well they were doing academically this semester on a scale of one to ten (one being not so well, and ten being very well), three people said five (14%), five people said they were doing about a seven (23%), the majority of the students thought they were doing around an eight (45%), two people thought about a nine (9%), and two people said they were doing very well and marked ten (9%). I thought it was really interesting that eleven students (50%) have gone to the new recreation center, and eleven students have not. When I asked if these students were planning to participate in intramural activities this semester two people said yes (9%), sixteen people said no (73%), and four people have not decided yet (18%). I asked everyone what Jags sporting events have they attended and the majority of students have attended the footballs games. The next sport that lots of people go to was a tie between baseball/softball and basketball. Then there was a four way tie between soccer, track, tennis, and volleyball. No one has attended a cross country meet or a golf match. Again, I am sorry for not listing a “none” to this question. I also wanted to see what everyone did in their spare time. I got a range of answers varying from spending time with their family and friends (which the majority of students do in their spare time), studying, going to work (which was the second biggest answer), playing video games, reading, watching television and movies, and I even got an answer that they don’t really have any spare time. I thought this was also interesting that no one had stated that they get on the internet.

I noticed that all of the male students in this class do not live on campus, and they all are taking four classes. This means that twelve females are taking more classes than the males, and five females are taking as many as the males. The males also live closer to the school than the females. At first, I thought it was interesting that eighteen people did not go to the library, but then I realized that sixteen people did not live on campus so it might be harder for them to go back and forth. The students that live closer to the campus tend to go to the library more (and they were all females). I would have guessed that the males would have been interested in playing in the intramural sport events, but none of them are planning to play. I thought it was weird because they live close to the school and I usually think of the males as wanting to play in sports and do different activities. I was not surprised that the majority of the students have attended the Jags football games. The football team is doing very well and they are still undefeated. I also noticed that the males are older than the females. Maybe this is why they don’t get out as much and participate in other activities. They might have families that they would rather be with!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blog Post 11

Ms. Cassidy, a first grade teacher in Moose Jaw, Canada, began working with technology in her classroom ten years ago when she received five computers. She has encountered tremendous support from the administration, parents, and children in using and working with technology.

She begins working with the first graders when they arrive in September and they become competent with blogs, skype, videos, Nintendo DC, and other activities online. Her approaches teach students to use blogging as a way of improving their writing ability and compiling a portfolio of their work. Students understand the need for making positive comments to others and they enjoyed skyping with other classes. Ms. Cassidy also spoke at length about personal learning networks. She suggested that a person start off with one that they had a particular interest in. For example, if you are interested in photography, try flickr, and if you are interested in writing, try blogging. She also discussed the importance of being technologically literate. Having a PLN is of importance.

I Love Blogging

I can definitely see myself using these types of technology in my classroom. I’m sure that the students will be very familiar with these technologies as they will be older, however, I am sure they there will be plenty of new sites and technologies to learn about before I begin teaching. I do hope that the administration where I work is supportive of technology education just as Ms. Cassidy experienced. That would be one impediment that might be faced. I also hope that parents are supportive with having students work and videos on the web.

Benefits from Ms. Cassidy’s approaches would include increased student writing performance, creativity, imagination, and a more global appreciation.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Project 14

Teach Someone Project: Wordle

Summary Post C4T Teacher #3

In the last couple of weeks, I have been following Paige Baggett’s blog posts. Paige is an assistant professor in the College of Education, at the University of South Alabama. In her first post, “Mistakes”, she talked about how people get upset when they make mistakes. She tried to talk about how mistakes aren’t real mistakes, only surprises that can then be used as new opportunities. She then made the analogy between art and life and how “life is the art of drawing without an eraser.”

I stated in my response that I love drawing and art, as well as learning about life. I think sometimes we all wish we had an eraser at some point in our lives and could do something over, but then when I think about it, why would we want to do that? Look at us now. Every mistake we have made in life made us who we are today. We could keep erasing and erasing until everything is perfect, but nothing in life is perfect. I think I have turned out pretty good in life without using an eraser. Life is a learning process. I learn from my mistakes. I try to do the best I can at everything I do. I am happy with the decisions I have made in my life and I am proud of the person I have become.

The second post was a video called, “Why Art Matters”. It showed that art is loud, soft, time, space, science, revolution, wonder, evolution, work, play, language, inspiration, doubt, perspiration, extraordinary, mundane, math, creation, collaboration, color, ideas, feelings, design, dream, anticipation, global, local, expression, patriotic, quixotic, love, New York, you, me, everything, through images and picture that represent the words.

I stated in my response that the video was extremely well done. It showed how art intertwines through all of the disciplines. It ended with a quote by Einstein, “the true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination”. This quote reminds me of what I want to show my students, use their imagination, everyday.